What is an Adjoint of a Matrix The adjoint of a matrix B is the transpose of the cofactor matrix of B. In this article, let's learn about the adjoint of a matrix, its definition, properties with solved examples. The norm of a vector $v$ is defined as $\sqrt. The adjoint of a matrix is obtained by taking the transpose of the co-factor elements of the given matrix.
Hans Richter, Bemerkung zur Norm der Inversen einer Matrix, Archiv der Mathematik 5, 447448, 1954. Mirsky, The Norms of Adjugate and Inverse Matrices, Archiv der Mathematik 7(4), 276277, 1956. VectorsĪ column vector (or simply vector) $v$ of dimension (or size) $n$ is a collection of $n$ complex numbers $(v_1,v_2,\ldots,v_n)$ arranged as a column: Johnson, Matrix Analysis, second edition, Cambridge University Press, 2013.
Wellesley, MA: Wellesley-Cambridge Press or an online reference such as Linear Algebra. If the minimization is viewed as a non-linear. The article Linear algebra for quantum computing provides a brief refresher, and readers who want to dive deeper are recommended to read a standard reference on linear algebra such as Strang, G. This formulation requires the Frchet derivatives (the Jacobian matrix), which can be expensive to compute. Some familiarity with vectors and matrices is essential to understand quantum computing.